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  • Advanced Topics
  • Environment and File Variable Substitution

Environment and file variable substitution

CloudQuery configuration .yml files support substitution of values from environment variables. This allows you to keep sensitive data (like passwords & tokens) or variable data (that you want to change without touching CloudQuery configuration) outside the configuration file and load them from environment variables at run-time.

Environment variable substitution example

Inside postgresql.yml:

kind: "destination"
  name: "postgresql"
    connection_string: ${PG_CONNECTION_STRING}

PG_CONNECTION_STRING will be sourced from the environment and replaced with the value of ${PG_CONNECTION_STRING} before processing.

File variable substitution example

Inside postgresql.yml:

kind: "destination"
  name: "postgresql"
    connection_string: ${file:./path/to/secret/file}

Local path ./path/to/secret/file will be read and replaced with the contents of the file before processing.