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  • AWS

AWS Source Plugin Recipes

Full spec options for AWS Source available here.

kind: source
  name: aws
  path: cloudquery/aws
  version: "v7.1.4" # latest version of aws plugin
  tables: ["*"]
  # Comment out any of the following tables if you want to sync them
  # unless otherwise indicated they are configuration parameters rather than configured resources
    - aws_ec2_vpc_endpoint_services # this resource includes services that are available from AWS as well as other AWS Accounts
    - aws_docdb_cluster_parameter_groups
    - aws_docdb_engine_versions
    - aws_ec2_instance_types
    - aws_elasticache_engine_versions
    - aws_elasticache_parameter_groups
    - aws_elasticache_reserved_cache_nodes_offerings
    - aws_elasticache_service_updates
    - aws_neptune_cluster_parameter_groups
    - aws_neptune_db_parameter_groups
    - aws_rds_cluster_parameter_groups
    - aws_rds_db_parameter_groups
    - aws_rds_engine_versions
    - aws_servicequotas_services
  destinations: ["<destination>"]
Last updated on November 22, 2022