• Docs
  • Recipes
  • Destinations
  • PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Destination Plugin Recipes

Full spec options for PostgreSQL destination available here.

Note: Make sure you use environment variable expansion in production instead of committing the credentials to the configuration file directly.


kind: destination
  name: postgresql
  path: cloudquery/postgresql
  version: "v1.7.13" # latest version of postgresql plugin
    connection_string: ${PG_CONNECTION_STRING}

Verbose logging for debug

Run PostgreSQL destination in debug mode:

Note: This will use pgx built-in logging and might output data/sensitive information to logs so make sure to not use it in production but only for debugging.

kind: destination
  name: postgresql
  path: cloudquery/postgresql
  version: "v1.7.13" # latest version of postgresql plugin
    connection_string: ${PG_CONNECTION_STRING}
    pgx_log_level: debug # Available: error, warn, info, debug, trace. Default: "error"
Last updated on November 22, 2022